205. house update: milo’s room!

Milo’s room is painted and just about ready. We’re still trying to find a nightstand but other than that everything is in place. We opted not to hang anything framed around his bed since he’ll probably end up knocking it on top of himself. He got a full size bed from his grandma for his birthday and I got him the star wars sheets from pottery barn since I had an unused gift card from our wedding (um…that was almost ten years ago! )

My friend kristen came over and helped me map out the wall with the book shelf. I’m so happy how this turned out!

I hope to eventually finish this dresser for him, but I’m not sure that is going to happen anytime soon unfortunately.

I chose a grey color for his room, but it actually looks more blue than grey. Oops. But overall I’m really happy with how it turned out and so is milo! His words were “wow! It looks really cool!”