281. shark costume.

Milo decided this summer, he would be nemo for halloween because we were at a garage sale and there was a nemo costume in his size. Its only a few weeks before the big day and he’s still excited to be nemo. So I was kind of wracking my brain trying to figure out what Dj and I would be to accompany nemo….


I was also stressing out about when I was going to get to the thrift store because these next few weeks are pretty crazy for me. But behold…I had a hoodie in my closet. Its a good hoodie that I sacrificed, but its a good holiday, and I dont think a little hot glue will hurt anything.

I had the felt too! So basically this costume cost me ZERO DOLLARS to make. MEGASCORE!

coming soon: dj’s crab costume!

9 responses to “281. shark costume.

  1. Jennifer Jerzyk

    Amazing Erica!

  2. liz

    please tell me you’ve seen eagle vs. shark. when i first saw this picture and read the post, i was shocked to not find a mention of it, since it almost looks like a candid photo from the set.

  3. Gina

    Did you put a back fin? I love this costume and I am totally gonna do this but I think a back fin would look totally awesome!! So if you put one I would really like to know how! 😀 thanks!

    • I didnt put a back fin, but i imagine it would be really easy. I was going to do one out of felt, but i dont think ill have enough time, and i think you can tell its a shark without it! the pointy hoodie is what really makes it i think 🙂

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