133. chocolate birthday cake.

I made milo’s birthday cake for his thomas party. Milo really wanted a cake. Chocolate. With sprinkles, thomas on top and fire (candles) on top.  I used the chocolate cupcake recipe from vegan cupcakes take over the world. I wasn’t sure how this would turn out in cake form. I made it three layers, and did one recipe per layer. Its best to make one recipe at a time, rather than triple it, by the way. And I just set the timer for 20 minutes and watched it from there. Each layer needed about an extra 6 minutes or so too bake.

This turned out really really good.  Just as good as the bakery cake I would have ordered and paid ALOT of money for.

132. thomas bunting.

Made some quick bunting out of milo’s old crib sheets for his thomas birthday party.

130. paper mobiles.

I  have been seeing these on pinterest recently, and thought it would be perfect for milo’s upcoming birthday party. I used some paper scraps (mostly from paper sample books I had lying around for years) and cut them into red, yellow, blue and white strips. (thomas colors!)  Then I sewed them together with my sewing machine. I think these are going to work great!

126. thomas cupcake toppers.

Its milo’s birthday week! He turns three on friday, and were having a thomas party for him – so thomas cupcake toppers were in order!